
10 Healthy Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

I've been using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to lower my blood pressure, and you know what? It works! Or at least it has for me. I always hesitate saying stuff like that because I know that just because it helped me it may not help everyone. But if you've never tried it maybe you should!

I stumbled on this site by which lists ten different ways ACV can help us.

health uses for apple cider vinegar

Did you know ACV can be used for curbing digestive issues, spiking weight loss, promoting great skin, and banishing a handful of other pesky afflictions?

lemon and apple cider vinegar
For a balancing elixir, dilute a couple teaspoons of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar in tepid or warm water with lemon in the morning

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