
Pan Roasted Garlic Chicken with Red Potatoes & Green Beans

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Cooking for two can be a challenge. I adapted this recipe from and cut it in half. It turned out really good!  I knew I would like the lemon flavor in the chicken but was surprised at how much I loved it in the beans!

Essential Oils 4 Pack Giveaway

I decided its time for a giveaway!

I know many of you are interested in essential oils but don't know where to start or you are just beginning and need a few "essentials". 

Well I'm giving away one Essential 4 Pack from Spark Naturals.

Here are the rules:

Like our facebook page.
Share our facebook post about this giveaway.
Comment on the facebook post telling me why you love essential oils.
Contest ends at midnight 1/31/14 EST.

That's it!  Good luck!

Tackling the Paper Clutter!

My goal in January was to tackle all my paper clutter. I tend to be pretty organized but I also have a habit of keeping EVERYTHING! I keep all receipts, paid bills, statements....everything. And I have done this for years and years. Yeah, I know, sick right? 

I also realized that some of you need a simple way of gaining control of your paper clutter. Just one late payment can cost a lot of money in late fees and maybe even reconnect fees. This can be exasperating when the only thing that caused it was the lack of some basic organization.

And I know how frustrating it can be when you need to find something quickly, say the manual for your washing machine, and you have no clue where to start looking for it.