
How To Make Fabric Strips From Sheets (In One Continuous Strip)

Ever thought about making rag rugs? Well, to be honest I hadn't, until I actually saw some! I thought they were very pretty and quite practical! Did I mention how easy these are to wash and dry? They are made from old sheets after all, that have already been washed a million times so you don't have to worry about shrinking or fading.  Anyway, after changing from a queen size bed to a king size, I had a couple of sets of sheets that I no longer needed...tada! Little light comes on...rag rugs!

I know a few crochet stitches so I decided to make a crocheted rag rug. My Mom also had a couple of patterned sheets she donated to the cause, so now I just needed to learn how to cut them up. I watched several on-line videos and right away decided that I did not want to deal with lots of stray stings and I wanted to end up with one continuous strip of fabric. This is the method I ended up with, it was the result of an error in cutting that I tried to fix, and this was the result. Been using this method ever since!

See how I did it here. Its my very first video so please forgive the beginners mistakes. 

I will show you later how I actually crocheted the rugs. Right now, I just want to share my cutting technique. Its really quite simple once you get the hang of it.

Have fun!

BTW, here is the first rag rug I did. The middle patterned part is from one twin flat sheet.

And the second. I used part of a blue queen sheet on both rugs, and most of a patterned twin flat on this one.

Have fun, I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you may have.

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