
Organize & Store Markers Using Repurposed Tin Cans

I am loving my new craft room. It's not quite finished but it's getting there. Finding new and creative ways to organize it has been a lot of fun. One example is this cute way to store my markers.

Markers need to be stored flat, never standing on end, but keeping them in a drawer was a big hassle. I had these painted tin cans left from my hanging tin can planters project and I had a large piece of leftover white shelving. I laid the shelving down flat and placed the cans on top the way I wanted to use them. Then I marked where to cut the board and once cut I just had to paint the cut end.

Next, the cans were carefully screwed into the board (small pieces of wood will sometimes split) and tada, cute marker organization achieved! We screwed the whole thing right to the wall but you could add a couple of eye screws and some twine to hang like a picture.

See how I prepped and painted the cans here.


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