
How to Make an Oyster Shell Christmas Tree

One thing I enjoy about fall and cooler weather is the oyster season. It runs roughly from November to April and is the lawful time of year to harvest oysters. Oyster roasts are common here and we try to have one or two every winter with a least a bushel of just harvested oysters.

So naturally, we also have an abundance of oyster shells. Usually, they are just thrown out or used to reseed oyster beds, but sometimes we use them for crafts. These Oyster Shell Christmas Trees are common here and I've always liked them. Two years ago a dear friend of mine saved and cleaned some of her oyster shells for me just so I would make a tree from them. And now, two years later, I'm just getting it done (Sorry Kay).

The hardest part of this project is prepping the shells. First, they need to be scrubbed clean with a brush and then soaked overnight in a diluted bleach solution. Then they should be air dried, preferably in the sun, until thoroughly dry. Now chip off any barnacles or small attached oysters, making sure the inside is disposed of. If you don't do this your tree may be beautiful but it won't smell very nice.

If you don't have shells available you can order them online.

For this project I used:
One 12" foam cone-shaped form.
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Assorted sizes of clean oyster shells
One starfish

Barnacle growing on the shell
Barnacles mush be removed. You can do this by just chipping it away.

Smaller oyster growing on the shell of larger one.
Also, watch out for small unopened oysters growing on your shells. Be sure to remove these too.

Soak your scrubbed shells in a mild bleach and water solution for several hours or overnight and then thoroughly dry in the sun if possible.

First row of shells
The process is pretty straightforward. Starting at the bottom hot glue shells to the form. I prefer to use the flat side, or bottom, only of the oyster shell.
Second row
Now just work your way up, one row at a time using slightly smaller shells with each row.

Hot glue a starfish to the top and your done! I used a finger starfish but there are many others that work well.

Hope you enjoy making this simple and unique project!


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  4. Thank you for your easy directions on how to make an Oyster Christmas Tree. I will attempt to make some for friends for Christmas. Yours is beautiful. Thank you!
