
12 Neat Things To Do With Old T-Shirts

My husband and I practically live in t-shirts. My husband has about 50 at any given time and I have probably half that. From time to time we have to clean them out and get rid of the old and tattered and donate practically new ones that we (for whatever reason) just don't wear.

Well, its time to do that and I decided I wanted to try to make something with them instead. I did a search and found some marvelous ideas that I thought you might enjoy too!

So here ave my no particular order.

1.  Make a latch hook rug
Photo property of
See video tutorial here.

2. Make a Flower Dress
Photo property of Stars for Streelights
See how here.

3.  Diamond Smock Your Tee

Photo property of
See how here.

4.  Make Pom Poms
Photo property of
See how here.

5. Make a quilt
Photo property of
See how here

6.  Make a Tote Bag
Photo property of
See how here

7. Make a Dog Toy
Photo property of
See how here.

8.  Or Make a Cat Toy
via Etsy
From here

9. Make Some Flowers
Photo property of
See how here

10. Make Pajama Pants
Photo property of
See how here.

11. Make a Vest.
Photo property of
See how here.

12. Make a Braided Rug
Photo property of
See how here.

Hope you enjoy making one of these too! I think I'm going for the braided rug!

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