
How To Make Fabric Strips From Sheets (In One Continuous Strip)

Ever thought about making rag rugs? Well, to be honest I hadn't, until I actually saw some! I thought they were very pretty and quite practical! Did I mention how easy these are to wash and dry? They are made from old sheets after all, that have already been washed a million times so you don't have to worry about shrinking or fading.  Anyway, after changing from a queen size bed to a king size, I had a couple of sets of sheets that I no longer needed...tada! Little light comes on...rag rugs!

Basic Homemade Granola Bar Recipe (With Variations)

Do you love granola bars but hate buying prepacked ones because your not sure how healthy they really are? Do you also hate how much those things cost? Have you been thinking about making your own but haven't found the time or just the right recipe? Or would you just like to be able to make a healthy snack for your kids that won't take up your whole day? If you answered yes to any of these then this post is for you.