
10 Things I've Learned About Stitch Fix

I have learned quite a bit about how to get the best possible fix from Stitch Fix. One thing I know for sure is that I am addicted to it! I can't wait to see those boxes come and begin to explore what items have been chosen for me. Some have been right on, 5 out of 5, but others have been less thrilling. Here are my tips for getting the best fix every time. I have done some research and read what others have recommended for getting the best items for them and have come with a few of my own. So here are my best 10 ways to help assure your next fix is a winner.

1.  Be as exact as possible when describing your likes and dislikes. Your personal stylist is not a mind reader so when you say something like, "I'm not sure that I want long maxi dresses" when what you mean is "don't send me a maxi dress", she may send you one just just to see if you like it.

2.  Take the time to fill out your profile as accurately as you can and go back after each fix to see if you need to change anything. For example, you may decide that you have enough necklaces and may choose to not have any more sent to you.

3.  Try everything on! No matter what your first impression is, try it on anyway in front of a full length mirror and use a hand mirror to see the back as well. I have gotten a few things that I wasn't at all sure about but when I tried them on I loved them. I have also received a few items that I loved until I tried them on and saw that they just weren't right for me.

4.  When you return something tell your stylist exactly why it didn't work. Instead of saying it didn't fit right, tell her why it didn't fit. Was it too tight, too loose, too clingy? If it wasn't your style tell her why.

5.  Manage the frequency of your shipments responsibly. If you have already blown your clothing budget for the next 2 months there's no need to have a fix sent to you during that time. Its better to delay it until you can actually keep and enjoy items you like.

6.  Tell your stylist what your body type is. You can do this on your profile, let her know if your curvy or if you're heavier around the hips but small busted.

7.  Start or update your Stitch Fix Pinterest board and put a link to it on your profile page. Pinning items you love will help your stylist get a better sense of your style preferences.

8.  Let your stylist know about special occasions. Will you be going on vacation soon? If so, where are you going? Or are you planning a business trip? Let her know what type of functions you will be attending.

9.  Make sure your profile accurately describes the type of clothing you need the most. Do you need casual clothing to wear at home and errands, or do you need office wear more?

10. What about accessories? Are you interested in receiving them from Stitch Fix? You can choose to receive or not receive different types of jewelry, bags, and scarves. If you just want to receive main clothing items to build your wardrobe, make sure your profile reflects that.

And finally let me just add this....I think of this as a fun thing to do, a fun way to shop. I fully realize I may not like anything in my fix, or I may love everything. I am willing to invest the $20.00 styling fee just to see what my stylist picks for me. Stitch Fix helps me try on clothing that may be a bit out of my comfort zone. Some of my favorite items are ones I would have never picked off the rack in a store.

Never tried Stitch Fix? It's quite simply a service that sends you clothing and accessories to try at home. These are all hand picked for you by a stylist according to your body type and likes and dislikes. You receive 5 items with each shipment for you to try in your own home. If you don't like something you just put the item(s) in the pre-addressed return package they provide and drop it in the mail. Easy peasey. You do not pay for the items until you decide what you want to keep. You also pay a $20.00 styling fee which is applied to any item you keep.

 If you decide to give it a try, would you please use my link? I will receive a $25.00 credit if you do. And of course, you can also get the same credit if someone uses your link (which Stitch Fix will provide you with). Just click here to use my link! Thank you so much.

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