
Homemade Rosemary Mint Fabric Softener

Have you ever made your own laundry products? Well, if you're like me it may sound just a wee bit silly to you at first. Why would I make my own when I can just buy it?

Of course there are reasons to stay away from most commercial laundry products. Harsh chemicals, unknown ingredients, cost, just to name a few. It can also be convenient. Now, if I run out of detergent or fabric softener, I just whip up my own in no time and don't have to make a special trip to the store or put off doing laundry.

Here is the DIY laundry detergent I use, DIY Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent (No Grating!)

This recipe for fabric softener is so easy to make. It only has 3 ingredients (and one of those is water) and it mixes up in no time. I found this over at one of my favorite sites, "One Good Thing by Jillee" (see her post here).

I like this one because it works, and because it is very easy and versatile. Although Suave Rosemary Mint Hair Conditioner is used here, you can use any Hair Conditioner. And you can use it in the washer just like you would your regular fabric softener OR you can spritz a clean cloth with it, let it dry, and use it like a dryer sheet. How cool is that?

Just three ingredients!
I did find that it helps if you let the vinegar come to room temperature first and to use hot water. By hot I mean hot to the touch, doesn't have to be boiling or anything. It just seems to all mix together better if its hot or very warm.


  1. Mix water, vinegar, and hair conditioner in a 1 gallon container and stir. Do not shake it as it will cause foaming.
  2. Use the same amount you normally use in a rinse cycle or spritz it on a clean cloth, let it dry, and throw in dryer like a dryer sheet.
In the picture you see I have mine in a Mason type jar, which is great for maybe gift giving. But, to be practical, I actually keep mine in an empty fabric softener bottle.

BTW, although this softener really does a great job removing static and softening my laundry, the scent is not very strong. You may be a bit disappointed if you prefer the stronger scents of many commercial laundry softeners. You could try adding some essential oils to boost the scent.

Also, this recipe is very easy to cut in half to make less if you want to.

Happy laundry day!

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