
Keeping Soil in Tilted Pots

There are so many great yard projects using clay pots. They can be stacked and / or painted to make a lot of really cute things. Many of the projects, like my Bird Bath Planter, use tilted pots. Very cute and I've been enjoying it for three years now. But I found I did have one problem, it is difficult to keep the dirt from washing out of the pot when watering!

Nothing planted in the pot but I added a bit of water just so you could see how it washes the dirt out. The only way I could water these was to add water very slowly. I'm not good with doing things very slowly. lol

So I came up with this idea of using old panty hose! I actually had a pair of dark brown ones that worked perfectly because they match the color of the dirt.

I cut half of one leg off the pany hose, leaving the foot part, and filled with enough potting soil to fill the pot.

Then I placed it into the pot leaving the open part on top.

After I had used both foot sections I cut off the remainder of each leg and tied a knot in the bottom of both. Again, I filled with potting soil and put them in the pots.

Now for the plants. I just planted them as usual in the opening I had left on top and then tucked the excess in around the top of the pot.

Now I need to see if my idea works! Tada! A little loose potting soil came out but for the most part the soil stayed in the pot and the little plants were well watered. Victory is mine...

See how I made this Bird Bath Planter here!

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