
Healthy Dog Treats Made From Leftovers

Making your own dog treats is very simple. You really don't even need a recipe, just make sure you use ingredients that are safe and healthy. Today I used some chicken left over from some fried chicken we had for dinner. I also added a few leftover string beans.

If your dog doesn't have any allergies you can use any sort of flour or even corn meal. One of mine does have allergies so I use oatmeal. You will also need a couple of  eggs. But basically, that's it! Just some sort of left over meat, some type of flour, and eggs. You can also add vegetables, my dogs love sweet potatoes or string beans. Again, just do a quick web search if you need to make sure something is okay for your dog to eat.

So here's how I make them:

Put oatmeal in food processor and process to flour-like consistency. Use a bit more than you think you will need. Remove the excess oatmeal flour and set aside. This step is not needed if you are using any type of regular flour instead of oatmeal.

Remove any bones, excess fat, and skin from the meat. Chop into small chunks and add to flour in food processor with egg and any other ingredients you need to use. This is where I added my leftover string beans. Process until all is thoroughly blended.

You are aiming for a consistency that will hold its shape enough to form into a ball and will roll out easily. Add some water if it is too dry or some of your reserved flour if it is too wet.

Once the consistency is right, roll out on a floured surface till about 1/2 inch think. Then either cut into squares or use cookie cutters to cut into cookies.

Place on cookie sheets, leaving a little room between, and bake for 20-25 minutes.

  • 1 1/2 - 2 cups oatmeal (or white flour or corn meal or a combination of flours)
  • 2 cups leftover meat suitable for dogs
  • 2 eggs
  • Leftover cooked vegetables suitable for dogs. (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350º F
  2. Either line cookie sheets with parchment paper, spray with non-stick spray or grease with butter or shortening.
  3. Use food processor to make oat flour from oatmeal. 
  4. Prepare meat by removing bones, excess fat, and skin. Roughly chop and then add to food processor
  5. Add eggs and any other ingredients you are using (like cooked vegetables)
  6. Add more liquid or flour as needed until consistency is right
  7. Roll out on floured surface and cut into squares or use cookie cutters
  8. Place cookies on prepared cookie sheets and bake at 350 º F about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and let cool completely

Store in airtight container in refrigerator.
Makes about 24 3" cookies.

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