
Pecan Pie Bark

Want something different, sweet, and easy to make? Well this just may be the thing for you. This recipe only has 3 ingredients and just takes a few minutes to make. This is some seriously good stuff! And it makes a great gift around the holidays for family, friends, or coworkers. We love Honey Grahams around here anyway, then add that buttery caramel sauce and pecans....yummy, just yummy.

10 Things I've Learned About Stitch Fix

I have learned quite a bit about how to get the best possible fix from Stitch Fix. One thing I know for sure is that I am addicted to it! I can't wait to see those boxes come and begin to explore what items have been chosen for me. Some have been right on, 5 out of 5, but others have been less thrilling. Here are my tips for getting the best fix every time. I have done some research and read what others have recommended for getting the best items for them and have come with a few of my own. So here are my best 10 ways to help assure your next fix is a winner.

Homemade Rosemary Mint Fabric Softener

Have you ever made your own laundry products? Well, if you're like me it may sound just a wee bit silly to you at first. Why would I make my own when I can just buy it?

Keeping Soil in Tilted Pots

There are so many great yard projects using clay pots. They can be stacked and / or painted to make a lot of really cute things. Many of the projects, like my Bird Bath Planter, use tilted pots. Very cute and I've been enjoying it for three years now. But I found I did have one problem, it is difficult to keep the dirt from washing out of the pot when watering!

Backyard Birds

Would you please indulge me just a bit? I took some pictures of some of the birds in my backyard today, and well, I just really wanted to post them.

Stitch Fix #4 Review with Pictures

Getting my Stitch Fix box is so exciting. I love seeing what someone else has hand picked for me. I have to say however that this was my first fix that left me a bit disappointed. I am considering keeping at least one item, would you please help me decide???  ♥♥