Old Timey Egg Custard

Dear Hubby came home yesterday with a recipe for old fashioned Egg Custard. He had actually torn it out of a magazine at work. Well, as it happens this is something I love too and so today I made it.

The recipe was indeed the "old timey" type. Just a few simple ingredients that were staples when I was growing up. Egg Custard is one of those deserts that just takes you back in time, the smell while its cooking and the taste are reminders of days gone by.

I made it in a Pyrex® pie pan but I do have some of my grandmother's Custard Cup, individual sized clear Pyrex® dishes, some fluted around the top and some plain. I think next time I'll use them....well, just because I think it would be neat. :-)

I like to give credit when possible but unfortunately I don't know the name of the magazine. Here is the recipe as it was published.

4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter melted (half a stick)
2 cups milk
Pinch of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup all purpose flour

Preheat oven to a moderate temperature (350 degrees). Whip all ingredients together and pour into a buttered pie pan (9-inch standard size or deep dish). Bake for an hour or until center is firm. Makes its own crust.

Serves 8

Note: The original recipe says to whip all ingredients together. I find it easier to mix all wet ingredients first then add the flour. But its a very thin mixture so it really doesn't matter.

Let cool and serve.

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