My Little Memory Stick

This is really just an update to an older post with one big improvement. Awhile back I shared a post about my Rosemary Remembrance Balm. Rosemary is known to improve memory, cognitive performance, improve overall recall and attention. Who couldn't use that?

The original balm was kept in a small glass jar, which was great, but I found something even better. I made up a batch and poured it into lip balm (chapstick) tubes! Now I just keep My Little Memory Stick next to my chair where it is convenient to use whenever I sit to watch TV, Facebook, or work on my blog! And its so much easier to dab behind each ear, on my temples, at the base of my skull, or just take a big sniff right from the tube! Makes it easy to share with others too!

See full instructions on how to make Rosemary Remembrance Balm here. When done just pour into lip balm tubes and let cool. Be sure to label it and your done!

Hope you enjoyed this little mini post and update!

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